PDP-10 Replica: The PiDP-10
DEC's 1968 mainframe that became a hacker playground at the MIT AI Lab

The MIT AI Lab, with a PDP-10 at its heart, was hugely important in computer history, with many 'firsts' on its record. Over the past decade, a group of enthusiasts did a full reconstruction of the Lab's hardware and software as it stood in the 1970s. The PiDP-10 gives a physical shape to this project, we regard it as a 'computer history capsule'. A self-contained, compact replica that gives an experience as close as possible to the real machine and the AI Lab. But now at home, perhaps even in the living room.
Our goal is not to show computer history, but to keep hands-on experience of it alive. The PiDP-10 lets you operate highlights of the AI Lab hardware, the ITS operating system, and hundreds of applications as they evolved during the late 1960s and 70s. One particular example is Shrdlu: the first demonstration of AI that in the 70s, triggered the first massive wave of interest in the field.